
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Amanda Marie Berry - Missing 9 Years---->FOUND ALIVE!

Amanda Marie Berry
IT WAS April 21, 2003 when 16 year old Amanda Marie Berry was leaving Burger King in Cleveland, Ohio. She currently worked there and had completed her shift for the evening. She was last seen at exactly 7:10 PM at the Burger King drive through at West 110th Street and Lorain Street. Her home was located on 111th Street, just three blocks away from her work. She had planned to walk home that night, but when her sister had asked her if she needed a ride, Amanda claimed she had found one. She has never been seen or heard from again.
Amanda had gotten upset at work that night, and had called her mother to talk about it. When Amanda never came home, her mother assumed she went to a friend's house to calm down. When the clock struck 1:30 A.M, her family reported her missing. Not only was she not answering her phone, but it was past 11:00 PM, which was curfew. She had never missed her curfew before.
A witness came forward, and claimed she had gotten into an older white model four door sedan, with three males already inside. A big part in this case is whether or not Amanda arrived home at her family's apartment. Although many accounts state Amanda did not arrive home, an investigator said it was believed that Amanda had made it home, despite no one seeing her. It appeared she had changed her clothes in her bedroom because all the Burger King outfits she owned were located in her room. It was 8:00 PM when her mother and sister came home, so if Amanda really did arrive home that night, she was not there for long.
       Amanda Berry vanished the day before her 17th birthday, which was on April 22. She was 5'1" and 110lbs when she vanished. Amanda is part Caucasian, part Native American. She has brown eyes, and sandy blonde hair. She also has multiple piercings, including one on her left eyebrow, one on her left ear, and three on her right ear. Amanda has a surgical scar on her abdomen. She had mild acne when she vanished and is right handed. Her nicknames are Manny and Mandy. She also has an unspecified medical condition. She was last seen carrying a black shoulder purse with her cell phone inside.
       Amanda's mother had gotten a mysterious phone call a week after Amanda vanished. It was from a man, who sounded to be 18-30 years old. She did not recognize his voice. He claimed Amanda was safe, and he would be holding her. He also stated they were married, and that she may see Amanda in a few days. When her mother required to speak to Amanda, the man hung up. Her mother never did get to see Amanda "a few days later". It is believed the man who called has legitimate information about Amanda's whereabouts due to the fact he had called off Amanda's cell phone. The call was placed locally, by 58th Street and Clark Street. Amanda's phone has not been found.
Amanda was last seen walking home from Burger King.
Amanda was having personal problems when she vanished. She had found out her brother-in-law was having an affair, and her own boyfriend was also seeing another girl, who had planned to confront Amanda the day she vanished. Despite this, it's not believed Amanda ran away. She had a great relationship with her mother. She had never mentioned any plans of leaving to anyone, and she left many of her possessions, including a large amount of money, back at her residence.
14 year-old Georgina Lynn Dejesus vanished in April 2004, only blocks away from where Amanda went missing.
I remember when I first heard about Amanda's disappearance. It was in 2004, almost a year after she vanished when I heard about another girl, 14 year-old Georgina Dejesus, who vanished almost a year to the date after Amanda did. Eerily enough, they vanished only blocks apart. It has always been wondered if their disappearances were connected. In 2007, another teenager, Ashley Summers, also vanished in the same vicinity. Many are wondering if there's a connection? Perhaps human trafficking? Cleveland is a big city, where such trades are unfortunately made every day.

First of all, I have always wondered if Amanda really made it home or not. If so, could it be she changed out of her uniform, and left with who ever had dropped her off? Maybe the person had bad intentions, than used her cell phone to call her family to "calm their nerves" about Amanda not being home. Perhaps they wanted to buy enough time to cover their tracks. It had to be someone she knew, I don't see Amanda hitch hiking just three blocks to her home. I think she left with them with the intentions of maybe just "hanging out", especially after being upset. I really do not believe Amanda ran away, and got married, although it would be nice to think.
The search for Amanda is very active to this day.
 I wonder what became of her "boyfriend" and the "girl he was seeing". Did they have a plan to take Amanda out of the picture? I wonder what has been done to clear them as suspects, as a motive can be found there.
Who ever intercepted Amanda that night, knew her, and she knew them. I think they used the fact that she was going through a rough patch against her. I think they saw she was upset and vulnerable, and that those person(s) took advantage of that. Maybe they took her for human trafficking, maybe they're holding her somewhere like Jaycee Dugard. Or maybe something that turned out as a fun night went sour.  If that's the case, I really do believe she is somewhere local, just because with most missing persons cases, they never are far from where they vanished from.
   Recently, a former neighbor, Robert Wolford, had claimed he killed Amanda and disposed of her body on a small lot on West 30th Street in Cleveland. The lot was searched and nothing was found. Investigators are now trying to figure out why he lied, if he was.
Tragically, Amanda's mother died March 2006, almost three years after Amanda vanished. A few months before, I remember watching her on the Montel Williams Show, with psychic Sylvia Browne, who told her that Amanda was "in water", and that she would never see her again in this life time. (Keep in mind, Sylvia also said Shawn Hornbeck was dead, and years later he was found alive!) I believe after hearing that, she died of a broken heart, as do many others. Her sister Beth is still searching, and not giving up hope of bringing her sister home. I honestly can't believe it has been nine years already! Amanda's case, along with Gina Dejesus' and Ashley Summers, are ones I have been following since around the time they happened. I remember sharing their stories for the Adopt a Missing Person Program for Project Jason. I admire their families' strength!
Please keep Amanda Berry in your hearts and prayers, as well as her family. Amanda was on the track team, and was religious. She liked reading, shopping, and rap music. She dreamed of someday being a clothing designer. Share her story, and keep those flyers with her pictures up! I really do believe that we will find Amanda someday, we can't loose faith!
Age progression of what Amanda Berry may look like today.
If you have any information about the disappearance of Amanda Marie Berry, please contact:
Cleveland Police Department



  1. Wow. Praise God, she has been found!

  2. grats for your freedom :)

  3. So happy for her and her family :oD I'm sure her mom is smiling down from the heavens seeing her two daughters re-united.

  4. If Janessa wrote this article, first of all Thank you for writing it and thanks for keeping such a positive attitude and support for her sister and others.

    Your article is inspiring for many family members who have lost their love ones and still looking for them. There is hope!!

    God bless you!

  5. Thank you DR L7! I take a lot of my information from my sources cited to find my facts of course ( is my favorite) but I put it all together and put my own spin on things and I do compose my blog entries myself from then on out:) thank you for reading! I am so glad the day has come these girls are home safe!! Janessa Amber
